Friday, May 13, 2011

Flower Pot Dessert

"Every Mother Is a Working Woman!"
I love this Mary Englebriet piece of art. I have the magnet and my kids gave me the resin one year for Mother's Day.
This year for a fun different Mother's Day gift we made this yummy treat. I also made them for the Mother Daughter Activity Day Luncheon. Our Kitchen and freezer were filled with fake dirt, flowers and ice cream. Yummy combination!!!
I first saw this idea on The Pioneer Woman and couldn't wait to try it. I made a few revisions of my own and then we gave these to our Grandma's, visiting teaching lady's, and favorite mom's in town. There are a few widows in town the girls have adopted and we delivered to them as well. (they always get our best goodies!)
                         You will need:
Pots - I got my pots at the dollar store 4/$1.00.
Small chocolate donuts
vanilla ice cream (or any flavor you choose)
generic brand cream filled cookies (oreos)
straws (cut a bit shorter than the pot)
fresh flowers (I got a bundle of about 40 blooms at Fresh Market for $4.00)

Place a donut in the bottom of each pot and a straw in the middle of each donut.

Fill with ice cream leaving the straws sticking out and then put in freezer overnight or for a few hours prior to serving.

 Place cookies in a Ziploc baggie and crush into dirt.
Just before serving fill pot with dirt. Because I had so many to make for our activity I put most of the dirt in them and then put them in the freezer. Just before serving I put another spoonful or so of the dirt to cover the straw.
TaDa! They are almost to pretty to eat - but really too delicious to resist!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Spring!

I, of course, am always on the look out for pretty, fun, gifty things we can make super inexpensively that we can also make someones day with. This month I found just the thing! I went to Walmart and they had tulips and daffodils that had bloomed in 4" pots for .50 a piece. This was also the after Easter sale time so they had Easter gift bags for 50% off which ended up being 5 for 1.25 and paper grass for .66 a bag. Here is a little sample of what I ended up with. (I did wrap the pots with tinfoil before I put them in the bags.)