Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Magic of Butterflies

It is so amazing to watch the transformation that takes place when a caterpillar magically changes into a butterfly. Everything about it is miraculous, interesting and unique. From the huge daily growth that we can see in the caterpillar, to the gold dots or fringes on the chrysalis, to the way that it emerges and expands into a beautiful winged creature.
This was a long winter but we had spring all around us in our house. We ordered caterpillars and watched them in a fabulous butterfly habitat. We learned so much about them and were able to keep them for about 2 months. We were even able to get them to lay eggs and had a second batch of caterpillars that we released in our yard.
We have been working on a plan for our butterfly garden. We have researched the butterflies that can live in our area and the foods they need to eat as well as the plants they will lay eggs on. This summer we are going to build it. As the girls care for their little garden I want them to think about how things grow, how we can be responsible for that growth and how beautiful each plant is when it blossoms and grows.
We had so much fun watching our caterpillars grow and hatch. We did a lot of talking during and after our butterfly experience. I want my girls to know that in life we, just like the caterpillar, have to work to grow and to then emerge from our chrysalis into things of beauty that are eternal.

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