Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Fabulous Winter Tea

We have always loved having tea parties and have them regularly at our house. Sometimes we invite lots of friends and dress up in our fancy clothes and sometimes we have a tea by ourselves. When I was in about 3rd grade I made a miniature tea set out of salt dough clay, which I still have today. My dolls & bears were served several times during my childhood. Since then I have loved collecting tea pots and unique tea cups with saucers. From the time Kaity was about three we started collecting miniature tea sets and she also loved serving her animals. Karlie is also carrying on this tradition. Both of them love to have a "tea party" when their friends come over.
We have wanted to have a Winter Tea for some time and finally we did this year and plan to every year. It was FABULOUS!!! We served Homemade Hot Cocoa and Apple Juice along with our dainty luncheon dishes. We all dressed up in our tea time best and brought an American Girl Doll or Bear. Each girl and their special guest had a special place setting. It was a wonderful opportunity to dress-up and be lady like. It was also a great opportunity to think about serving others with a fun project, which is one of our goals this year.

A tradition in our town is to go "Valentine kicking." You take valentine treats to special people and kick the door and run away. So after our tea we made Valentine Cookie Kits for each girl to take to someone special. Our kits were filled with the best ever unfrosted Sugar Cookies, a container of frosting and a small baggie of sprinkles. We also included special notes with the kits and for the girls parents.

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