Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pumpkins & Witches Brooms

We had the funnest time making pumpkin & Witches broom treats for our friends and neighbors. They turned out gorgeous and the treats were yummy too!
First for the filling:
We popped a bunch of popcorn and added small pretzels, a few cashews, and m&m's then layed it out on large cookie sheets. (You could also use wax paper) I drizzled orange melted chocolate on the mix. Waited about 10 in. for it to be cool and put it in a large bowl.
For the pumpkins:
I took orange party napkins, put about a cup to a cup and a half of the popcorn mixture in the center and pulled all of the corners together. I twisted the corners together and wrapped green floral tape around it so it would look like a stem. Then I hot glued a silk leaf it and if you look closley you can see that I took a piece of green craft wire and twisted it around the stem and curled the ends to look like the vine part.
For the brooms:
I took brown paper lunch sacks and put about 2 cups of the mixture in. It depends on the size of your bag. I had the regular size but if you could find smaller it would be better. Then I cut strips in the top of the bag about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way down the bag. I cut the strips about 1/2" wide all the way around the bag. I cut limbs from our apricot tree and stuck a limb in each bag and then tied purple rafia around the cut lines. Tada- a witches broom. Hope you have fun with this idea! We had a blast. It was fun to hear all the ooos and ahhs when we delivered.

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