Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fun Spring LDS General Conference

LDS General Conference is a fun and special time for our family. We spend the weekend together, feeding our spirits, eating yummy food, napping and being together and feeling blessed. This precious time that we spend together connects us to our Heavenly Father, His words for us, and to each other. I love the spirit that conference brings into our home. Here are some of the fun things we did for conference this year.
My conference basket is ready with everything we need - packets, pencils, scissors & treats.
You will need:
empty toilet paper rolls
Small candy & toys
decorative tissue paper
wrapping ribbon that matches your tissue
scissors & glue
(I can not find the link to the wrapper around the tube - it is so cute. 
You could use scrapbook paper.)
Cut squares of tissue large enough to go around the tube twice.
Stuff the candy & toys into the T.P. rolls. 
Apply a line of glue on the roll and stick the tissue to the roll rolling the roll 
over the tissue as you go. Apply one more line of glue at the end. 
Twist ends and tie with ribbon. 
I used this cute wrapper that says:
Conference time comes twice a year
A true blessing for us all...
Once in the spring when the flowers bloom,
and again when the leaves start to fall.
Oh please listen to the prophet
I know he will show us the way.
Our Heavenly Father will lead him,
and help him to know what to say. 
In the spring we usually have a gourmet hamburger bar with finger foods & treats. 
Happy Conference - enjoy your precious family and the spiritual feast.

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